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Friday, 29 November 2013

Editing process/Treatment/script

There are no comments/star ratings for the trailer because most Drama-Tragedy trailers do not have them. They have a use of shots with words that relate to the film e.g for Iris there is a shot with 'Change'. The trailer is following the same conventions as the My Sister's Keepers trailer and that trailer does not feature any star ratings or comments.

At the beginning, the mise en scene lighting with the younger versions is slightly white, because I want the scenes with young Iris and Jen to look calm because life then was relaxed. However it isn't extremely white; the natural colours are still visible so it does not look sad. The girls just met and became best friends so it's happy. The slightness of white suggests the good past which is true in the shot.

Script -
'Hi, I'm Iris'
'Best Friends forever!'
'Iris, Iris!'
'I have Cancer, I'm sorry'
'But you can't leave me'
'Where were you man?'
'I'm out'
'You're pathetic crying over that stupid girl! You know she's gonna die. Don't you?!'

Treatment -
Film certificate - pg13
Long shot
New line television
Long shot - hi
Medium, over shoulder shot - 'I'm Iris' - closer making what she says more important and personal
'Two girls' word shot - isolates them two from everyone else in film
long shot/medium, from behind, Jen laughing - happiness
'Two lives' - isolates
The shot of Iris and Jen running is a long shot and then there's a cut to a close up of them holding hands, this is demonstrates how they are close and they trust each other.
'Two friends'
They say 'Best friends forever' in same running shot- relates to words 'two friends'
'Brought together by fate'
The transition of them the younger selfs to older is shot by the younger selfs walk into a bush and come out older.
'Parted by destiny..?' - with a question mark because audience does not know why or how
bad scenes, cut jumps, fast cuts
Iris and Jen back home
Iris close up to face, slow mode
Iris faints
White lights
Hospital exterior shots
'What would you do?' ' If you lost' 'The person you love?'
Mark Johnson productions present
A true story of
Words appear on screen after action shots, the words relate to film - e.g. Change
Hill - significant

Also, the titles 'Two girls' 'Two lives' 'Two friends' describes how Iris and Jen are the same and have a bond from it,  this separates their friendship from the gang which connotes their friendship is close and important

While editing, I thought about each shot in the trailer, making sure the mise en scene and transitions represent what I want it to. Like when Iris is lying on the hospital bed, the mise en scene is white suggesting peace, purity and perfection. The exposure of the shot also makes Iris look like an angel; white connotes cleanliness thus Iris is no longer a rebel because she is clean. The audience will think she's changed. Iris looks peaceful unlike before her lifestyle was chaotic and bad, also suggests she's dying. The shot enters through a dissolve, this is used to convey deeper meaning of the shot.

When Iris, Jen and the gang enter, the shots show Iris and Jen mixed with the wrong crowd, doing bad things like drugs. The shots are highlighted and bold connoting vividness, this make Iris and Jen look confident and willing to take risks because of their actions. Before they were innocent and young therefore this change will shock the audience.The pace is fast to show how life is too, this suggests they are careless for their actions because everything is done quick. This is edited by making the shots shorter and matching it along with a heartbeat. The heartbeat represents the pace of their life, because the heartbeat is fast indicates life is getting quicker for them. The heartbeat gets louder before Iris faints and stops just before she faints to let the audience know something is about to happen.

The voice over is done with a white background because white is a sad colour, this goes with the voice over because it is sad too. Also it is simple and basic, like what is being said, when it is simple it makes the audience think. Then dissolves to the hospital shot suggesting new beginning of their lives.

The shot of the hill at the end is significant. This is because it was where the two girls met and where their friendship started off. Having Jen walk across it at the end makes you feel sympathy for their friendship because they are separated by fate. And so much has happened since the first time they met, it is like Jen is reflecting on everything by walking past the hill, realising what has changed, her mistakes and her losses after meeting Iris at the hill which was when she was a little girl. Hills in parks are great for walking and having time to think to yourself.
The trailer is inspired from a true personal story. Which is why I worked hard on it.

Monday, 11 November 2013


Cast List:

Iris Stanley- Marwa Slimani
Best friends with Jen. She is seen as more of a rebel compared to Jen because she would get the drugs. Iris gets cancer and she has to fight for her life. Both girls come from a harsh environment.
 Jennifer 'Jen' Bates - Hana Grant
Best friends with Iris. She's caught up in the rebellious ways with her best friend however changes when Iris gets cancer because Jen has to learn to live a life without her. 

Young Iris - Bella Slimani
Confident and open, she introduces herself to Jen when they first meet. She's wholesome and shorter than Jen - ironic when she grows up. Her confidence led her to being more bad then Jen.
Young Jen - Maariyah Atta
Seen alone representing loneliness until Iris comes and she's happy.  That loneliness returns when Iris gets cancer. Jen's loneliness came because she had no one to talk too because she lives in a harsh environment. 

Gang -
1 - Jade Young
2- Chloe Wheeler
3 - Naghma Butt
It was important for all gang members to wear hoodies; because it represents trouble. Worst gangs wear hoodies. Seen as 'bad' kids because they do drugs, hang in isolated places and drink at a young age. All come from estates

Jen's mum - Jantra Bradford
She's insensitive. The opposite of a loving mum, she doesn't understand the pain Jen's going through for Iris and makes Jen even more upset about it. She's working class and single. Lives in a council estate with her daughter Jen.

Locations -  

Richmond Park - greenery, space, nice place to meet
Behind Civic Centre - private to do drugs
Lampton Park - Scenes of Jen thinking walking
Jasdeep's garden - Will be allowed to throw and break bottle when Jen is drinking
Flats - For hospital room scene, room looks like a hospital bedroom makes it look more real. Fainting scene because the door is by the hallway and when the girls arrive home Iris faints straight away. 
School - By tec block bushes and it's where the transition scene takes place because getting in and out the bush is easy. Also it's at school so the cast needed will be there.

Design -  
Richmond park mise en scene had to be pretty and isolated. The location where the gang is has to be a private area
When girls are older, they had to wear hoodies to show they're bad too - hoodies=  iconography 
Beer bottles had to be collected because using real beer bottles will create the rebellious look that the characters need.

Equipment list - Camera to film, Tripod to make sure camera is still, natural day light - audience can relate to it easily. 

1 - Monday - Civic Centre - group, gang, Iris
2 - Wednesday - Richmond Park - group, younger
3 - Thursday - Lampton Park - group
4 - Friday - West mid, Chruch- group
5 - Sunday - Flats - group, Iris

My roles - 

director, makes sure film is creatively produced and made in a single totality. Creatively translates the written word or script into specific sounds and images. Comes up with the ideas for the movie and tells team so they can help create the idea.

location manager - chooses what locations will be on the film for the scenes.

actors/actresses - are on screen, they act as the characters in film.

scripting, - writes what will be said in film


Film institutions - 

 A Distributor is a company or individual in charge of the marketing of a film. They set when the film will be released. They decide if the film is good enough quality to go in cinemas before it comes out on video. Some films don't get distributed because quality may be poor or there is not enough money to promote them, so they go straight to DVD or video to be home viewed. Big budgeted films start off at cinemas in one area e.g. London, then go on 'general release'. And low financed films will appear at selected cinemas. E.g Arrow Films

Production companies provides the money and sets the budget. Producers work onside with the director because they're responsible for setting up and may make decisions like what actors to be hired. Executive producers organises the finances and overlooks everything. E.g. Film4 Productions

For Iris - 

The reason why i choose New Line Cinema as the distributor and Mark Johnson Productions to produce the film is because they did My Sister's Keeper. My Sister's Keeper is also a drama tragedy and there are similarities with Iris e.g. main character has cancer. Because Iris is similar, I thought it be best to have the same companies as the successful My Sister Keeper.

Info -

New Line Cinema - American film studio,  founded in 1967 by Robert Shaye as a film distribution company, later becoming an independent film studio.  (Distributor for Iris)

Mark Johnson Productions (Producer) is set up by Mark Johnson who is an American film producer. He produced Rain Man which is a Drama film like Iris, and he won Best Picture Academy Award for it.

Research -

You see films on Television or in Cinema