Film institutions -
A Distributor is a company or individual in charge of the
marketing of a film. They set when the film will be released. They decide if the film is good enough quality to go in cinemas before it comes out on video. Some films don't get distributed because quality may be poor or there is not enough money to promote them, so they go straight to DVD or video to be home viewed. Big budgeted films start off at cinemas in one area e.g. London, then go on 'general release'. And low financed films will appear at selected cinemas. E.g Arrow Films
Production companies provides the money and sets the budget. Producers work onside with the director because they're responsible for setting up and may make decisions like what actors to be hired. Executive producers organises the finances and overlooks everything. E.g. Film4 Productions
For Iris -
The reason why i choose New Line Cinema as the distributor and Mark Johnson Productions to produce the film is because they did My Sister's Keeper. My Sister's Keeper is also a drama tragedy and there are similarities with Iris e.g. main character has cancer. Because Iris is similar, I thought it be best to have the same companies as the successful My Sister Keeper.
Info -
New Line Cinema - American film studio, founded in 1967 by Robert Shaye as a film distribution company, later becoming an independent film studio. (Distributor for Iris)
Mark Johnson Productions (Producer) is set up by Mark Johnson who is an American film producer. He produced Rain Man which is a Drama film like Iris, and he won Best Picture Academy Award for it.
Research -
You see films on Television or in Cinema
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