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Saturday, 14 December 2013

Film Marketing

Film marketing promotes the film thorough advertising, to maximise the amount of people to watch the film. Film studios will invest to market the film; the marketing budget sometimes cost more than the production budget because the marketing makes people come to watch the film, the more people on the opening weekend the more successful the film is. Films with different genres and target audiences will be advertised differently. Like blogging, merchandising and viral videos.
Social media for example is major to use when advertising a film, this connotes the film may be targeted at teenagers since most teenagers use social media. Mainly 16-25 years use Facebook and Twitter, Iris should be advertised a lot on them because the target audience are more likely to see it.

Ages on social media -

Iris trailer is a huge part of the marketing campaign because it is delivering the idea of the film to the target audience and that makes them want to watch the film.

Most blockbuster movies already have an audience. The studio knows the film will have a big audience so they give a huge budget for the movie. Examples are films that are made as a second movie, the same audience that watched the first will be there. Or a source like a book made into a film e.g Twilight, fans of the book will watch the film.  
Original movies like INCEPTION and AVATAR are the exception to the rule, and represent a huge risk for the studio backing them. 

Sometimes, studios will give a lot of money but no profit in return. This is a waste of money, so studios need to make sure films will make a good profit.

Films make millions and if a film is successful, they have a profit. My Sister's Keeper made $12 million on their opening weekend. People will be aware of the money made and will talk about the film's money made to people, letting the film to be known to more people. Advertises the movie - 'Water Cooler moment'

In the My Sister's Keeper poster, it has the main characters on it acting natural. Also at the top there is 'From the director of…' the film the director filmed before can gain the same audience for this film. The star names are on the top left, the actresses can attract fans to watch the film. It says it is based on the best selling novel in small text, since it is a best selling novel then people should recognise it so it does not matter the text is small. The readers of the novel will watch the film.

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